Got a new puzzle from Kristen for my birthday. Great stuff when you have no TV and your CD-player has decided to go on a holiday for the next 20 years. Last puzzle I bought (a few months ago) took me forever and had started gathering dust and small bread crums when I finally got it done. Looked at it for a few nights just to enjoy the view and idea of the effort behind it. Then I just wrapped it all up again and put it back in the box. Might take another shot in a few months time or so.
Am working on a few prospects at the moment, but it is surprisingly quiet, which is both nice and bothering at the same time. Not a lot to do apart from finishing off a quote here and one there and adding some information to our sales system. It will be more hectic later though I would guess, most likely like a big gooshy poop on my head when I get back from my holiday, just to make sure that I didn't enjoy it too much.
That's the nice thing about holidays. You make sure that you really, really enjoy them (although they are mostly extremely boring, just playing on the beach, drinking GTs and being picked up by handsome Latinos)or, if they do not even get to that level, you make up something cool that you at least can tell to people when they ask you what you did. Main reason? To be able to take the poop on your head with a nice little smile and a sigh..."ohhh...the holiday was lovely, can't wait till the next one! did I tell you we're planning on going to Africa to shoot mountain Gorillas?"
Weekend was rather good btw. Went clubbing on Friday with Katerina, first at Fleda which was rather dull and then Hadivadlo which was better than good. Had to shove Katerina in a taxi afterwards though. Good to have friends like that you can use when you get drunk yourself and need someone that makes sure that you are not getting on the train to Munich or deciding to see how long you can hold your breath in a park pond.
Saturday was good as well. Slept off as much as I could, then went to town to get Zdenka a housewarmingpartypresent and me a bottle of wine. It helped to shake off the rest of the headache and we finished off the night at Mersey, shaking our wobbly bits to Depeche.
Sunday had a nice turn to it. Lunch with Vaclav and a walk in the park, then watching other people's wobbly bits shaking together with Jitka at Fleda (Oriental thingy with belly dancing included. No extra charges.)
Leaving my liver and kidneys to rest until next wend now. Tea and water for the rest of the week (would have loved some coffee, but have run out.)