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Friday, August 12, 2005

In Bublin

So, have now finally settled in more or less in Dublin (or Bublin as it is also called by some Czechs). Have an office and have been to my first business trip. Am tired, had a trip from hell getting here. Left Brno rather smoothly and we were even early in London. Then of course things got bad. Our luggage was delayed at Stansted and as I saw the minutes ticking by, I saw not more than an umbrella and a few other lost things moving around the luggage band. After a loooong time (and my check-in desk being closed for the past 5 minutes) I got my stuff. Had to use force to move past all the idiots that have no travel maners and while running to the check-in, knowing deep inside that I was f*cked.
Of course they wouldn't let me and the other people that also missed the connecting Dublin flight on, although the plane still had 30 min to departure. Silly, but what can you do...

So, got a ticket with the first possible flight and then called my friend Ben to see if I could crash at his. He was of course away on holiday, but managed to reach his flatmate Adam who was so lovely that he not only let me crash, but also met up with me to help me with my luggage. Lovely guy...and rather cute. Hmmm... ;)

Well. So, just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine, but tired. The weekend will be spent sleeping and maybe walking along the beach.

Above you can see some more crazy pictures that I forgot to add earlier.

Love you all back in Brno and miss you sooooo much.


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