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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Coffee vending machines and elevators

So, we got a coffee vending machine (in the reception area) at the company. It makes more than 10 different sorts of coffee, tea and other beverages. And, it is silver and has a LCD display with weird messages. That should qualify it as something ultimately cool, but no it doesn't. It's just nerdy and boring, a little like Norway.
It costs money as well, no less than 7 CZK/per cup (including the cup). Although there of course is no such thing as a free lunch, that last bit is the nail in the coffin. I'm giving it max 3 months.
The elevator was behaving weirdly all afternoon. You pressed the button and there it came, but refused to open the doors. Cheaky bastard. On the other hand, I think it was just doing a bit of "nibbing" as it had swallowed Vojta sometime during the course of the day and it required all the efforts of our Service Desk to get him out of the sharp jaws.
I believe that elevator truly lives a life of his own. Sometimes it stops 10 cm under the level which it should be at which makes you fall and almost hit your head against the opposite mirror. Or it stops 10 cm above and you hit your toes. Evil that's what it is I tell you...

The Swedish prime minister is enjoying himself recently. Or not. I can't help but to feel rather evil myself about not feeling sorry for him. Ok, so what happened was that one of his colleagues have tricked quite a few of the ministers of paying out benefits to fake womens rights groups...and putting the money in his own pockets. It's kind of funny that it is the womens rights groups. They are evil too...or, sorry, that would be to give them to much recognition. Stupid, silly and completely useless is probably better adjectives for the agitating feminists.

Am hungry, thought I should have a sallad for lunch as I sort of felt guilty for all the beer I have been consuming recently (and not to mention all the lovely cheese...) but I should have known better. Salad is rediculous unless it has got meat in it.

Hasta la vista und manana.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Linda, I heard that You said to friend that I'm walking Fart! It is true maybe but you better know that my asshole has no shut! so sometimes a fart or two ventilate to the air a nd probably into Your rotten nose. have a nice weekend!

1:58 PM

Blogger Linda said...

Hello "anonymous"!

You farting and burping is like the smell of lavender in our office. Thank you o Great American for the scent you are spreading.

My rotten nose is now a recovering thanks to you and I can't wait for the next ventilation from you.

Guten nacht mein freunde. Or something.

1:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next ventilation will be very soon, my dear.
You know that Czech say: "Prdu zdar"?
Well, i don't have more to write...
so have a nice day, Linda.
ohh..one more thing..You'll move to IRL so Your nose will be sad of no new sweet smell by me.. But my friend Fart Simpson is working there. He managed Your collective office so he will compensate me. And be sure he's VERY good FARTer, mmm. oh shit...memories...days spent together in small room...oh...mmmm

1:50 PM


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