Traband and Hadry z tela
I'm not the best blogger in the world, have started to realize that by now. As a good blogger you should be adding things as they come, not a week afterwards. Well, as if I care. This is an egoistic blog and I do as I please. Therefore, this blog is about last week and especially Thursday and Friday as these were the best days. (Saturday and Sunda were actually rather boring as I had to try to recover from the previous days...)
So. Thursday. Left work earlier than I really should have, but hey, I do my hours and when the weather is nice and the guys are taking you to the pub - you go. First dinner at U Kachny (At the Duck's) with the Office Online team (and some casual hand arounds like myself) having some nice things from the grill. We only intended to stay for an hour or so, but the beer was cool and the people funnier than usual so we hanged on for a few hours more. Jan was drinking his white wine and Mattoni mineral water but the rest of us stayed with the beer, as one should. After the fourth pint Adam and Jarek started getting a bit tipsy and thus the famous "Picoooo, kurvaaaaa and voleeee" started coming more and more frequently from their mouths.
One could say that they were rude, or one could not. They just don't have the right personality for people to take that offensively (they are geeks). I think that people just think that they are trying to look like the cool people that hang around at the Cejl street, e.g. those guys that you see running away with your mobile or stereo, or maybe even both if you are lucky...
After dinner we went to a concert at the Jazz Cafe Podobrazy, Traband and Hadry z tela, which was part of the Etno Open-air festival. Really cool and a lot of fun. Our favorite was Klara who unfortunately was only on the stage for a few minutes. The guy trying to improvise a poem about squirrels sucked. We wanted Klara and her contrabase. Klara ruled. However, nobody listened to our complaints.
Although I wanted to leave early as I at least had to be able to pretend to be working on the Friday, I stayed out (surprise) as Adam and Jarek pulled me with them to Belle Air to meet up with Hanka and Katka (Jarek's GF). So, the night ended three hours later than planned after a final beer at a non-stop (what happened was that me and Katka were determined to find a taxi and go home. We however lost Adam and Jarek and found them a few minutes later in the non-stop hovering over their beer...).
I managed to pull through work the day after dispite the worst hangover this decade. In the evening I went for proper "The day after" dinner with Case, Kristen and Jitka to Pizzeria Paradiso and then we went over to Bob's. Party at the top foor on a huge terass, lots of beer and perfect view of the Petrof cathedral and the Spielberk castle. Watched the Grand Finale of the Fireworks festival Ignis Brunensis with the music pumping out from the stereo. The evening was completed when some of the guys managed to break one of the sofas and almost smashing their brains out. Perfect night all in all.
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